Choosing the right filter system:

"Do you even need a filter system?" - that is a question that is not easy to answer. The pond is an ecosystem. If this works properly, there are no problems. In most cases, however, it is the case that too few plants, too many hours of sunshine, too much phosphate input (e.g. fish food) or the like play a decisive role. If you want crystal clear water, there is no way around a filter system.

Basically, a few aspects must be considered before choosing the right system.


- What kind of "pond" is it? Swimming pond, natural pond, fish or koi pond or water play facility?

- what amounts of water in m³ (1000l) does the pond contain

- what is the situation (solar radiation, dirt carried in by leaves of trees, etc.)

Of course there are many other aspects that have to be taken into account. However, we cannot list all of them here. Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet that always works.

How does a filter work?

Almost all filters from all manufacturers work on the same principle:

1) Water is first irradiated with a UV lamp (UVC clarification). This already destroys a large part of the planktonic microalgae, fungi and bacteria. "Floating algae" are so small that they CANNOT be caught by any filter medium.

2) A coarse dirt filter is used to collect larger amounts of dirt.

3) Microorganisms in filter chambers and resting basins / resting zones take over the biological cleaning.

4) (depending on the system) Supply of oxygen.

5) Return to the pond.

As you can see, many factors play an important role in choosing the right filter system. That is why we cannot simply say at this point which filter system is the right one for you. We would be happy to advise you on the selection of the filter and the technology, taking into account all the factors of your individual system. Feel free to contact us.

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